Sponsored Content & Disclaimer

Sponsored Content

Thank you so much for your interest in working with Pop Goes the City!

Pop Goes the City is a owned by Leslie Chatman. Please note that for Pop Goes the City to accept sponsored content, the subject matter has to be one of interest to me, and appropriate for Pop Goes the City readers. If I do not feel that I can produce an honest sponsored piece the sponsorship will not be accepted. I create my own content and am unable to post pre-written items.

Any product submitted for editorial consideration will not be returned. If I continue to use an item after the initial review, there may be follow-up post(s) on social media, but this is not guaranteed. Sending a product for editorial consideration does not guarantee a review or mention on Pop Goes the City or social media, unless previously agreed upon. Please note that all reviews will be based on my personal opinion, experience, and education. All posts as a result of a sponsorship will reflect the following statement at the end: This post is sponsored by (brand name). All opinions within are my own. All posts as a result of a sponsorship shared on social media will reflect the following hashtag: #sponsored.

If you think you have something that is a good fit for Pop Goes the City, let’s connect and discuss.



The views expressed on this publication belong to Leslie Chatman alone and do not reflect the views of any professional or service organizations with which she is affiliated; however posts may be influenced by her background, occupation, religion, political affiliation, experience and/or education.  Pop Goes the City claims ownership of the content and images used on this publication unless otherwise specified and credited as required.  At times Pop Goes the City uses images believed to be in the public domain, the internet.  These images are used without intent of copyright infringement and are purely for information, entertainment, and viewing purposes only. Every effort will be made to link images to the website of origin or owner, when possible.  If you are unhappy with your images being used and would like them removed, please use the contact page to request prompt removal. Please do not use any information from this publication without prior written approval.

FTC Disclosure: In compliance with Federal Trade Commission Guidelines, be aware that this publication accepts forms of paid advertising, including sponsored content and ads. The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made on this publication. The opinions expressed on this publication are my own and any claim, statistic, or other representation of a product, service, business or organization should be verified with the related entity. A disclosure notice will be included on sponsored content and social media mentions, as necessary. In specific postings as applicable, every reasonable effort is made to identify any conflicts of interest.

Subscriber Email Addresses: Subscriber email addresses are held in strict confidence. They are not sold or bartered for gifts or services.

Event Coverage: I am provided gratis invitations from organizations and nonprofits without any expectations of coverage.

This policy is up-to-date as of November 10, 2021.  These terms are subject to change at any time and shall be updated accordingly and without notice.